
Winter has come to our yard. A foggy winter day is a different feeling

cofing king
4 minute read


winter morning

Winter has come to our yard. A foggy winter day is a different feeling. We have to wear heavy clothes from morning. I love to see the morning. Date juice and jaggery are very tasty. Pais, a variety of winter pies, is made with date juice and jaggery in winter. For example: Palm pitha, date molasses Jilapi etc. are prepared. Date jaggery is known as Patali, Nalen jaggery, Hazard jaggery according to taste and quality.

The familiar scene of taking a bite of a winter cake or welcoming the sun on a winter morning with a wrap can be seen everywhere in Palligram. The people of the village wrap fire coils around it and light it. After the sun rises, everyone gathers in the sun.

Winter changes the state of Bengali national life. In severe winter, the rich have different types of heat Even though they face the winter with clothes, the poor suffer be But the winter morning scenery becomes very pleasant and enjoyable.

Nature of winter: Although winter comes silently in this country, it leaves its impression on the nature. In the evening of winter, nature wears a blanket of fog.

The fog thickens at night. There is fog in the morning.

So the face of the sun is not seen until many hours.

In winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer. In winter, dew accumulates on the tips of the grass. In winter, the first rays of the sun are ours as the sky is foggy in the morning

Can't paint.

  If the fog is heavy, it becomes impossible to see the sun in the morning. After many hours, the sun can be seen when the fog clears.

The situation in the city is different in winter. Busy people continue walking in winter clothes on the dewy road. How much variety in their clothes.

Paush Magha is winter as per calendar. But the cold starts from the month of Kartik. Poush-Magh winter is more - often bone-chilling. Sometimes it gets cold in Phalgun Phu month too. Finally, winter is a good time for us.